I nästa vecka åker jag till Uppsala för att vara moderator vid två seminarier vid Uppsala Health Summit som har titeln ”Healthcare for Healthy Ageing”.
Det första går under titeln ”Maximizing Public Mental Health in Ageing – Empowering Strategies and Determinants of Mental Health in Elderly Populations.” Vi kör kl 1315-1515 tisdag 3 juni.
Ur programmet: ”A sense of existential and social cohesion, a feeling of mastery, and self-determination together with an experience of dignity, status, identity and respect are the most fundamental prerequisites for an individual’s ability to keep physically and mentally healthy, and for achieving a better quality of life for those with chronic and/or other health problems.”
Och det andra går under titeln ”Respecting the elderly’s need in medical- and economic evaluations of drugs.” Vi kör kl 11-13 onsdag 4 juni.
Ur programmet: ”Providing effective, safe and cost-effective medical care for the elderly covers several different dimensions. The incentive to develop new medical therapies for the growing elderly population is affected by how the different therapies are evaluated, specifically in regard to deciding on marketing authorization and reimbursement status.”
Här kan du ladda ner programmet som pdf.